Advisory Committee

Dr. Jerry F. Franklin

Professor of Ecosystem Management
College of Forest Resources
University of Washington

Dr. Jerry Franklin has been a founding Jones Center Advisory Committee member since 1988. He is a Professor Emeritus of Ecosystem Management at the University of Washington. Dr. Franklin’s areas of specialization include:

  • Structure and function of natural forest ecosystems, especially old-growth forests
  • Successional processes and ecosystem recovery following catastrophic disturbances
  • Effects of changing environmental conditions, such as global change, on forest processes
  • Application of ecological principles to management of natural resources (“New Forestry,” ecosystem management)
  • Theory and practice of landscape ecology

He has been a participant in many major scientific and policy analyses of forestry issues at local, national, and global levels.

Dr. Franklin served from 1975-1991 as Chief Plant Ecologist with the Forest Service’s Pacific Northwest Research Station and simultaneously as a Professor at Oregon State University. During his current appointment at the University of Washington, he has also been Director of the Wind River Canopy Crane Research Facility and served as Co- Director of the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) startup efforts with the National Ecological Observatory Network. He has also served as President of the Ecological Society of America, Director of the Ecosystem Studies Program of the National Science Foundation, and Network Director of the NSF Long-term Ecological Research Program.

His numerous career honors recently included the 2005 Heinz Foundation Award for the Environment and the 2004 LaRoe Award for the lifetime scientific contributions to conservation biology given by the Society for Conservation Biology.