Current Students and Alumni

NameEmailThesis TitleSchoolDegreeAdvisor
Jordan Baronjordan.baron@jonesctr.orgUnderstanding northern bobwhite covey movement dynamicsMississippi State UniversityMSL. M. Conner
Suranjana Chatterjeesuranjana.chatterjee@jonesctr.orgModeling sedimentation rates in isolated wetlands in an agricultural landscapeAuburn UniversityMSS. T. Brantley
Helena GarrettAuburn UniversityMSK. D. Klepzig
Ben GochnourInteractions between lps beetle, associated fungi and mites, and longleaf pines under a frequent fire regimeUniversity of GeorgiaPhDK. D. Klepzig
Ian Goldbergian.goldberg@jonesctr.orgSilvicultural strategies for promoting longleaf pine recruitment in multi-aged standsUniversity of MissouriMSJ. J. Puhlick
Michelle Hensonmichelle.henson@jonesctr.orgEffects of prescribed fire regimes on plant-microbe interactions in a longleaf pine savannaUniversity of GeorgiaPhDL. M. Giencke
Leela HospachBiology and ecology of gnats in longleaf forest systemsClemson UniversityMSK. D. Klepzig
Arthur Lamounier-Mouraarthur.moura@jonesctr.orgLinking understory community functional traits and fire behavior in two fire-dependent forest typesAuburn UniversityPhDJ. B. Cannon
Garrett Lawsongarrett.lawson@jonesctr.orgNest site selection in gopher tortoises: Implications for managementVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)MSL. L. Smith
Gianna Leonegianna.leone@jonesctr.orgComparing longleaf pine regeneration among various selection systemsAlabama A&M UniversityMSJ. J. Puhlick
Gabriel Nyengabriel.nyen@jonesctr.orgSilvicultural strategies for converting longleaf pine plantations to multi-aged longleaf pine standsMississippi State UniversityMSJ. J. Puhlick
Elizabeth Parsonselizabeth.parsons@jonesctr.orgBird and mammal communities in depressional wetlands in the longleaf pine ecosystemUniversity of GeorgiaPhDL. M. Conner
Jabryan Peguesjabryan.pegues@jonesctr.orgQuantifying site productivity and production efficiency of plantation grown longleaf pineMississippi State UniversityMSJ. J. Puhlick
Hanusia RigginsIps bark beetle responses to climatic conditionsUniversity of GeorgiaPhDK. D. Klepzig
Jade Samplesjade.higgins@jonesctr.orgAmphibian response to wetland restorationUniversity of GeorgiaMSL. L. Smith
Varsha Shastryvarsha.shastry@jonesctr.orgAnalysis of two decades of small mammal capture-mark-release dataMississippi State UniversityPhDL. M. Conner
Thomas Sheehantom.sheehan@jonesctr.orgUniversity of GeorgiaPhDK. D. Klepzig
Elizabeth Sickingelizabeth.sicking@jonesctr.orgAssessing the influences of hydrology and vegetation on emergent insect and benthic macroinvertebrate communities across seasonally inundated, geographically isolated wetlandsVirginia TechMSK. D. Klepzig
Chelsea Smithchelsea.smith@jonesctr.orgSecondary production of aquatic macroinvertebrates in intermittent streamsUniversity of AlabamaPhDS. W. Golladay
Justine Smithjustine.smith@jonesctr.orgUniversity of GeorgiaPhDL. M. Conner
Justine Valadezjustine.valadez@jonesctr.orgHydraulic capacitance of pinesUniversity of GeorgiaPhDS. T. Brantley
Ben Websterbenjamin.webster@jonesctr.orgUsing sediments to reconstruct dynamics of large riversAuburn UniversityPhDS. W. Golladay
NameThesis TitleSchoolYearAdvisor
Robert AddingtonWater use patterns and stomatal responses to the environment in longleaf pine on contrasting sitesUniversity of Georgia2001R. J. Mitchell
Katherine AlericResponses to varied light environments and propagation techniques of the federally endangered shrub, Lindera melissifolia (Lauraceae).University of Georgia2004L. K. Kirkman
Travis AlstadConservation genetics of the red-cockaded woodpeckerUniversity of Georgia2010L. M. Conner
Andrew ArkoQuantifying changes in forest structural complexity in a longleaf pine woodland from Hurricane Michael using aerial LiDARMississippi State University2023J. B. Cannon
Philip AshfordField methods and photogrammetric techniques for mapping aquatic vegetation using unmanned aerial systemsUniversity of Georgia2019S. W. Golladay
Carla AtkinsonFood resource quality and its utilization by a native and an invasive bivalve in a Gulf Coastal Plain streamUniversity of Georgia2008S. P. Opsahl
Douglas AubreyStored carbon decouples soil CO2 efflux in chronically disturbed ecosystemsUniversity of Georgia2011R. J. Mitchell
Ashley BallouAspects of gopher tortoise (Gopherus Polyphemus) populations in Georgia: status, landscape predictors, juvenile movements, and burrow use.University of Georgia2013L.L. Smith
Benju BaniyaRe-assembly of the longleaf pine ecosystem: Effects of groundcover seeding on understory characteristics, fire behavior and soil properties.University of Florida2021S. T. Brantley
Coleman BarrieGroundwater flow on a karstic landscape in southwest GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2019S. T. Brantley
Coleman BarrieSedimentation and hydrology of isolated wetlands impacted by row crop agricultureAuburn University2022S. T. Brantley
Michael BattagliaThe influence of overstory structure on understory light availability in longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) forest.Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)2000R. J. Mitchell
Michael BelovitchHydraulic redistribution – roots to the ecosystem.University of Georgia2018L. M. Conner
Michael BiggerstaffSeasonal resource selection of white-tailed deer on managed forests in the Upper Coastal Plain longleaf pine ecosystemUniversity of Georgia2017J. B. Cannon
Roger BirkheadIngestion of seeds by gopher tortoises (Gopherus Polyphemus) in a southeastern pine savanna: species composition and effects on germination.Auburn University2001W. K. Michener
Crystal BishopIn the eye of a hurricane: The effects of prescribed burns and salvage logging on lower stem and root feeding beetles and their sybiotic blue-stain fungiUniversity of Georgia2022K. D. Klepzig
Suzanne Henderson BlaydesModeling needle fuel dispersal in longleaf-pine dominated forestsUniversity of Georgia2022J. B. Cannon
Kristin BlissImpact of nutrient heterogeneity on plant response and competition in Coastal plain speciesVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)2001R. J. Mitchell
Melissa D. BoglioliBurrow dispersion and occupancy patterns as they relate to habitat parameters and social behavior in the gopher tortoise,(Gopherus Polyphemus).Auburn University1999L. M. Conner
Jennifer BorgoReducing southern flying squirrel use of red-cockaded woodpecker cavitiesUtah State University2004L. M. Conner
Gina BotelloLarval mosquitoes in agricultural wetlands of the Gulf Coastal Plain of Georgia, U.S.A.: investigating the effects of surrounding land use, nutrient enrichment, and food resourcesUniversity of Georgia2012S. W. Golladay
Sabrie BrelandBee assemblage and vegetation across a suite of restoration conditions in a fire-maintained longleaf pine savannaUniversity of Georgia2015L. K. Kirkman
Courtney BrisseyEcology of bark and woodboring beetles in longleaf pine forest standsUniversity of Georgia2015L. R. Boring
Jesse CanfieldWildfire dynamics: understanding some behavior trendsFlorida State University2014R. J. Mitchell
Durwin CarterCarbon-fine root allocation and transfer at ecosystem scales (C-FATES)State University of West Georgia2001R. J. Mitchell
Sarah CatheyGrowth and N2-fixation of legumes native to the longleaf pine-wiregrass ecosystemFlorida State University2014L. R. Boring
Michael CherryWhite-tailed deer, coyotes, and the ecology of fear in a longleaf pine savannaUniversity of Georgia2014L. M. Conner
Jessica CochraneEcology of bobcats in a longleaf pine forest in southwestern GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2003L. M. Conner
Derek ColbertBreeding season gobbling chronology in hunted and non-hunted populations of eastern wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) in southwestern GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2013L. M. Conner
Kelly ColesConservation, propagation, and restoration of Schwalbea AmericanaEmory University2023K. D. Klepzig
Daniel CrawfordCausal linkages between prey behavior and predation risk: Controlled experiments reveal behavioral effects of predation risk on white-tailed deerTexas A&M University2021L. M. Conner
Michelle CreechRevegetation potential of slash pile burn sites in the longleaf pine ecosystemUniversity of Georgia2009L. K. Kirkman
Patrick CurtinCanopy recruitment dynamics in naturally regenerated longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) woodlandsUniversity of Missouri2017S. B. Jack
Brandon DalyObserved changes in the atmospheric surface layer during prescribed agricultural burnsFlorida State University2012R. J. Mitchell
Jessica DavisStream fish response to intermittency and drying in the Ichawaynochaway Creek BasinUniversity of Georgia2017S. W. Golladay
Stephanie DavisAssessing impacts of animal agriculture on macroinvertebrates in intermittent Coastal Plain streams in the southeastern USA: implications for biomonitoringUniversity of Georgia2000S. W. Golladay
James DeemyIsolated wetland mapping, connectivity assessment, and water quality in the Dougherty Plain of GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2015L. K. Kirkman
Anna DerrickSmall mammal responses to prescribed fire and simulated mammal removal in a longleaf pine ecosystemUniversity of Georgia2007L. M. Conner
Nicholas DeuelSpace use, interactions, extra-territorial forays and habitat selection of gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) in southwestern GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2016L. M. Conner
David DiazEffects of growing season flow regime on stream periphyton growth in a Coastal Plain streamUniversity of Georgia2015P. V. McCormick
Jordana DoughtyBobcat (Lynx rufus) ecology in a longleaf pine ecosystem in southwestern GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2004L. M. Conner
David DysonInfluence of competition on longleaf pine seedling recruitment in selection silvicultureAuburn University2010S. B. Jack
Michelina DziadzioEffects of predation on gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) nest and hatchling survivalUniversity of Georgia2015L. L. Smith
Chloe EggertBiogeochemical storage and transformation of sediments from geographically isolated
wetlands in agriculture landscapes
Auburn University2022S. W. Golladay
Chambers EnglishEconomic modeling of longleaf pine restoration for water quantityUniversity of Georgia2023J. B. Cannon
Michael EntrekinStorm flowpaths and biogeochemistry of a karst stream in southwest GeorgiaUniversity of South Carolina1997E. R. Blood
Sally EntrekinAbundance, biomass, and secondary production of chironomids (Diptera) in grass-sedge marshes and cypress-gum swampsUniversity of Georgia2000S. W. Golladay
Christine FallonEffects of stream intermittency on leuciscid and percid food web dynamics in the Ichawaynochaway Creek Basin, Southwest Georgia, USAUniversity of Georgia2020S. W. Golladay
Chelcy FordVariable distributions of water as a transpiration source: consequences from the tree stem to ecosystem functioningUniversity of Georgia2004R. J. Mitchell
Catherine FrockAn integrative study in the behavioral landscape ecology of Sherman’s fox squirrels: implications of animal conservation in a changing worldUniversity of Florida2022L. M. Conner
Danny GammonsRadiotelemetry studies of armadillos in southwestern GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2006L. M. Conner
Heather GayaSampling design enhancement for gopher tortoisesUniversity of Georgia2019L. L. Smith
Elizabeth (Liz) GleimThe effects of long-term prescribed burning on ticks and tick-borne pathogen prevalence.University of Georgia2013L. M. Conner
Ivy GodboisEcology of bobcats on land managed for northern bobwhite in southwestern Georgia.University of Georgia2003L. M. Conner
Jessica Gonynor McGuireA multifaceted approach to evaluating gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) population health at selected sites in Georgia.University of Georgia2013L. L. Smith
Darroc GoolsbyPatterns of landuse and succession in a longleaf pine forestUniversity of Georgia2005L. R. Boring
Jeffrey GrayumUnderstanding northern bobwhite covey movement dynamicsMississippi State University2023L. M. Conner
Mark HaindsLegume population dynamics in a frequently burned longleaf pine – wiregrass ecosystem.Auburn University1995R. J. Mitchel
Theresa HarperEffects of diversionary feeding on raccoon foraging behavior in southwestern GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2001L. M. Conner
Camille HerteuxWading bird use of geographically isolated wetlands in the southeastern U.S. coastal plainFlorida Atlantic University2018L. L. Smith
Kevin HiersThe effect of fire season on legumes in a fire-maintained longleaf pine ecosystem.University of Georgia1999R. J. Mitchell
Joseph HoningsHydrogeologic investigation of a covered karst regionLouisiana State University2022S. T. Brantley
Shannon HossSpatial ecology and male reproductive biology of the Eastern diamond-back rattlesnake, Crotalus adamanteusAuburn University2007L. L. Smith
Brent HowzeThe effect of predation on white-tailed deer recruitment at the Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research CenterUniversity of Georgia2009L. L. Smith
Gwen IaconaSeedling recruitment as a driver of species richness in the understory of the longleaf pine savannaUniversity of Florida2008L. K. Kirkman
Claire IkeSpatial variability and land use change: effects on total soil carbon contents in the coastal plain of GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2010L. R. Boring
Elizabeth(Beth)JacqmainControls on oak composition and population size structure in frequently burned longleaf pine – wiregrass ecosystems.Auburn University1996R. J. Mitchell
Noah JansenInfluence of root branching order on fine root substrate quality and decomposition in a Pinus palustris ecosystemUniversity of Florida2007R. J. Mitchell
George JensenTurning up the heat: Fire ecology and climate adaptive silviculture in longleaf pine forestsUniversity of Missouri2022J. B. Cannon
James JohnsonWhite-tailed deer camera surveys: density estimation and spatio-temporal dynamicsUniversity of Georgia2019L. M. Conner
Paula JohnsonHabitat association and drought responses of mussels in the lower Flint River Basin, southwest Georgia.University of Georgia2001R. J. Mitchell
David D. JonesCan increasing food availability alter foraging behavior of potential nest predators?University of Georgia2001L. M. Conner
Phoebe JudgeThe impacts of hydraulic redistribution on the physiology and growth of understory plants in longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) sandhillsUniversity of Georgia2022S. T. Brantley
Binab KarmacharyaSmall mammal response to food, fire, herbicide and predation in longleaf pine ecosystemUniversity of Florida2011L. M. Conner
Margaret KearnsEffects of annual flow regime on redbreast sunfish and bluegill growth in a southeastern Coastal Plain streamUniversity of Georgia2001S. W. Golladay
Jason KeenanComparison of two techniques that determine habitat selection by bobcats and a discussion of habitats within overlapping and non-overlapping areas.University of Georgia2007L. M. Conner
Gavin KenneyThe effects of Hurricane Michael on the structure and function of longleaf pine woodlandsUniversity of Alabama2021S. T. Brantley
Rachel KingSpatial ecology and wetland use of aquatic turtles in the Coastal Plain of GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2014L. L. Smith
Brian KirbyEffects of forest management practices on raccoon ecology in a longleaf pine ecosystem.University of Tennessee2015L. M. Conner
Daniel KnappDevelopment and life-history traits affect larval anuran stoichiometry: a framework for understanding the role of larval anurans in wetland nutrient storage.University of Alabama2019L. L. Smith
Faith KruisPig movements and efficacy of Judas pigs in whole-sounder removalUniversity of Georgia2023L. M. Conner
Jessica LaskowskiAnimal habitat selection, foraging and fear response: from daily decisions to global patternsUniversity of Florida2019L. M. Conner
Luiza LazzaroQuantifying spatial feedbacks between overstory species and fuels in mixed longleaf pine-oak forestsAuburn University2023J. B. Cannon
Anna LinerWetland predictors of amphibian distributions and diversity within the southeastern U.S. Coastal PlainUniversity of Georgia2006L. L. Smith
Andy LittleEcology of female Eastern wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) in frequently-burned pine savannas in southwestern Georgia.University of Georgia2015L. M. Conner
Andrea LongEffects of an invasive ant on invertebrates in the southeastern United StatesUniversity of Florida2015L. M. Conner and L. L. Smith
Louise LoudermilkELinking plant demography, forest fuels, and fire in longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) savannas using lidar remote sensing and simulation modeling.University of Florida2010R. J. Mitchell
Greg LynchEffects of removal on spatial organization and habitat use of bobcatsUniversity of Georgia2005L. M. Conner
Lewis MarquezMedicinal compounds from native plantsEmory University2023K. D. Klepzig
Emily MartinMicroplastics in relation to water quality and land use in the lower Flint River GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2022S. W. Golladay
Glenn MartinEvaluating the location, extent, and condition of isolated wetlands in the Dougherty Plain, Georgia, USAUniversity of Georgia2010L. K. Kirkman
Katherine (Katie) MartinRestoration of fire-dependent depression wetlandsUniversity of Georgia2006L. K. Kirkman
Lewis MarquezMedicinal compounds from native plantsEmory University2023K. D. Klepzig
Nicholas MarzolfEnvironmental limits on the dispersal of invasive Pomacea maculata in Lake SeminoleUniversity of Georgia2015S. W. Golladay
Cara McElroyDetermining landscape connectivity through amphibian abundance, community composition, and gene flowUniversity of Georgia2016L. L. Smith
Julie McEntireThe sources and cycling of nutrients and dissolved organic carbon in the lower ACF Basin and Lake SeminoleUniversity of Georgia2009S. P. Opsahl
John McGuireCanopy disturbances in longleaf pine savannasAuburn University1999R. J. Mitchell
Anna McKeeCorrelations between community diversity and within-species diversity in an amphibian assemblage: potential processes and implications for conservation management.University of Georgia2012L. L. Smith
Adam MilesBat community structure, foraging activity, and evening bat roost site selection in loblolly pine and longleaf pine forests of Georgia./td>University of Georgia2005L. M. Conner
Gabe MillerHome range size, habitat associations and refuge use of the Florida pine snake, Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus, in southwest Georgia, U.S.A.University of Florida2008L. L. Smith
Gail MorrisEffects of mammalian predator exclusion, supplemental feeding, and prescribed fire on small mammal populations in a longleaf pine ecosystem./td>University of Florida2010L. M. Conner
Tara MuenzIndicators of stream health: the use of benthic macroinvertebrates and amphibians in an agriculturally impacted area, southwest Georgia.University of Georgia2004S. W. Golladay
Maureen MulliganWiregrass (Aristida beyrichiana Trin. and Rupr.) recruitment, establishment and growth.University of Georgia2000L. K. Kirkman
Chris MurphyVertebrate refugia in the longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) ecosystem.University of Georgia2019L. L. Smith
Matthew NeatrourFactors affecting root system response to nutrient heterogeneity in forested wetland ecosystemsVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)2005S. W. Golladay
Melinda NelsonHabitat selection and survival of white-tailed deer fawns in a longleaf pine ecosystemUniversity of Georgia2013L. M. Conner
Heather NordenSpecies biology and the life history of the federally endangered Schwalbea americana L. (Scrophulariaceae)University of Georgia2002L. K. Kirkman
Jeannine OttPatterns and movement, burrow use, and reproduction in a population of gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus): implications for the conservation and management of a declining speciesAuburn University1999W. K. Michener
Kelly PeelerCaffeine as an anthropogenic source indicator in freshwater and marine systemsFlorida State University2004S. P. Opsahl
Christina PerezSeasonal area of use and habitat selection by female wild turkeys in response to prescribed fire in a managed longleaf pine savanna in southwestern GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2013L. M. Conner
Sara PiccolominiEvaluation of post-release movement and habitat selection behavior in reintroduced populations of the Eastern Indigo Snake (Drymarchon couperi)Auburn University2019L. L. Smith
Elisabeth (Corrie) PietersonControl and distribution of Lygodium japonicum (Japanese climbing fern) in the southeastern United StatesUniversity of Florida2010S. B. Jack
Cody PopeEffects of canopy gaps created by Hurricane Michael on longleaf pine and oak sapling growthUniversity of Florida2021J. B. Cannon
Alex PotashThe environmental drivers of behavioral and physical antipredator adaptions in the southeastern fox squirrelUniversity of Florida2018L. M. Conner
Justin “JT” PynneUsing an ecosystem engineer to restore functionality of natural pinelands in the southeastern United StatesUniversity of Georgia2020L. M. Conner
Allison ReidSpatial genetic structure of four bobcat populations in the southeastern U.S.University of Georgia2006L. M. Conner
Sean ReynoldsTurkey Oak (Quercus laevis W.) seedlings experience primarily competitive pressures, not facilitation, from the overstory in a longleaf pine (Pinus palustris M.) ecosystemAuburn University2020S. W. Bigelow
Parisa RinaldiRelationships between landscape features and nutrient concentrations in an agricultural watershed in southwestern Georgia: an integrated geographic information systems approachGeorgia State University2013P. V. McCormick
Haley RitgerEffects of fire regime on subcortical insects, tree physiology, and their interactions in longleaf pine (Pinus palustris)University of Georgia2023S. T. Brantley
Anna RollossonFactors influencing the growth of mature longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) at a second-growth fire-managed site in southwestern GeorgiaUniversity of Florida2019S. W. Bigelow
Kathleen RugelInvestigating drivers of groundwater-surface water interaction in the lower Flint River Basin, southwestern Georgia, USAUniversity of Georgia2013S. W. Golladay
James Andrew (Drew) RuttingerHabitat and roost selection by male eastern wild turkeys in southwestern GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2013L. M. Conner
Morgan SanderaComparing longleaf pine wood quality grown in natural and planation standsUniversity of Georgia2022K. D. Klepzig
Lindsey SargentThe influence of physicochemical characteristics and interspecies interactions on the invasion success of a non-native crayfishUniversity of Georgia2009S. W. Golladay
Elizabeth (Beth) SchlimmThe influence of habitat structure on squamate species richness in the Coastal Plain of GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2013L. L. Smith
Brian SchochDiet, age, and reproduction of mesomammalian predators in response to intensive removal during the quail nesting seasonUniversity of Georgia2003L. M. Conner
Jason ScottEmpirical forecast models for guiding decision-making in complex landscapes with competing wildlife management goalsUniversity of Georgia2011L. M. Conner
Ashley SextonHome range and habitat use of red-tailed hawks in southwestern GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2005L. M. Conner
Margaret ShearintThe direct and indirect effects of the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) on seed fate in the longleaf pine ecosystemUniversity of Georgia2011L. K. Kirkman
Stephen ShiversTransitioning from a river to a lake: how hydrology and invasive species alter nutrient cycling and retention within a reservoirUniversity of Georgia2016S. W. Golladay
Stephen ShiversThe impact of submerged aquatic vegetation on nutrient dynamics and bacterial metabolism in a southeastern reservoirUniversity of Georgia2010S. W. Golladay
Samuel SimkinSoil disturbances created by pocket gophers (Geomys pinetis) are poor microsites for plant recruitment in a fire-maintained longleaf pine ecosystemUniversity of Georgia1998W. K. Michener
Chelsea SmithStream macroinvertebrate dynamics across a gradient of flow permanence in an agricultural watershedUniversity of Georgia2015P. V. McCormick
Justine SmithEffect of invasive wild pigs on white-tailed deer and eastern wild turkey and behavioral responses to aerial gunning removal effortsUniversity of Georgia2023L. M. Conner
Adia SovieResponse of vertebrates to hardwood and shrub encroachmentUniversity of Florida2020L. M. Conner
David SteenWildlife restoration via forest management in fire-suppressed longleaf pine sandhillsAuburn University2011L. L. Smith
Sean SterrettThe ecology and influence of land use on river turtles in southwest GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2015L. L. Smith
Glen StevensFine root dynamics in a Pinus palustris Mill. ecosystem: the role of sampling interval and the soil environmentVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)2001R. J. Mitchell
Theresa StoreyEffects of diversionary feeding on raccoon foraging behavior in southwestern GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2001L. M. Conner
Stribling StuberThe relationship between land use and the ecological integrity of isolated wetlands in the Dougherty Plain, Georgia, USAUniversity of Georgia2013L. K. Kirkman
Katharine (Katie) StubleImpacts of fire ant invasion on seed dispersal and ant community composition in the longleaf pine ecosystemUniversity of Georgia2008L. K. Kirkman
Amanda SubaluskyThe role of isolated, seasonal wetlands in the ecology of the American alligatorTexas A&M University2007L. L. Smith
McKayla SusenThe relationship between habitat structure and the gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) in southwest GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2023L. L. Smith
Andrew TaylorStatus assessment of a shoal bass population in the lower Flint River, GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2012S. W. Golladay
Gabriel TigrerosInsects and fungi utilizing downed trees in a subtropical longleaf pine forest along the Georgia Coastal PlainUniversity of Georgia2024K. D. Klepzig
Danielle TempleSpatial ecology of gray foxes on a longleaf pine forest and the surrounding landscape in southwestern GeorgiaTexas A&M University2007L. M. Conner
Kelsey TurnerThe effects of habitat type, carcass size, and scavenger species exclusion on vertebrate scavenging communitiesUniversity of Georgia2015L. M. Conner
Ashley WarrenEcology of the southeastern pocket gopher Geomys pinetis in southwestern GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2014L. M. Conner
Albert (Bert) WayBurned to be wild: science, society and ecological conservation in the southern longleaf pineUniversity of Georgia2008R. K. McIntyre
Andy WhelanCyclic occurrence of fire and its role in carbon dynamics along an edaphic moisture gradient in longleaf pine ecosystemsUniversity of Alabama2012R. J. Mitchell
Eva WhiteheadAdult mosquito ecology in southwestern GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2009S. W. Golladay
Susanne WiesnerEnergy density and entropy production: their role in the carbon and energy cycling of subtropical longleaf pine savannasUniversity of Alabama2018L. K. Kirkman
Scott WiggersSome like it hot: fire and legume germination in the longleaf pine ecosystemAuburn University2011L. K. Kirkman
Margaret (Meg) WilliamsEffects of growing-season prescribed fire on eastern wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) nest success and poult survival in southwestern GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2012L. M. Conner
Alexander WrightLong-term population ecology and movement patterns of gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) in southwest GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia2016L. L. Smith
Jenny WrightCarbon dynamics of longleaf pine ecosystemsUniversity of Edinburgh2012R. J. Mitchell
Nicole YetkeEcological role of American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) burrows across isolated wetland gradients: Microhabitats and species useUniversity of Florida2023L. L. Smith
Kelsea YoungIn the pines: Dung beetle community composition in longleaf pine habitatClemson University2021K. D. Klepzig